Flu Shot

2021-05-19 20:58
Combined with regular hand washing, the flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others from the virus. Each year there is a new vaccine to protect against new strains of the influenza virus. The best time to get your influenza vaccine is early, between October and December, before the number of influenza cases increases in Canada.
On Friday November 8th, ICEAP NS invited the Max Bell Health Centre to Morriosn Campus in Glace Bay to administer free flu shots to all students and staff who wished to participate. Many chose to participate in the free clinic as getting the flu shot is one of the most effective ways to protect against influenza (flu). The shot is still effective even if you put off getting it until later in the season. It takes about two weeks after immunization before the flu shot gives you full protection


Abdullah getting a flu shot


Shiyu Wu waiting for a flu shot


students waiting for their flu shot

Cape Breton University campus

P.O.Box 5300, ICEAP NS-1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney,

Nova Scotia, Canada B1P 6L2 


Email: info@iceapns.ca

DLI # : O19210055012