Spring season has arrived, it's time for the "New Student Orientation Week"! The ICEAP NS Student Services Department organized a variety of activities to help new students adjust as quickly as possible to a new life in Canada.
That includes day trips to the world famous Niagara Falls, Ice winery tours and the beautiful historic town of Niagara On The Lake, The Student Service Department at our Toronto Campus also organized volunteering activities such as a fundraising event at the St. Felix Centre.
At our Nova Scotia Campus, the Student Services Department offers tours to downtown Sydney, the Sydney Waterfront and Safari. They also have a very popular Teacher- Student meeting to help them have better understanding of the coming university life.
ICEAP Nova Scotia ensures the best teaching, accommodation and variety of school activities. All ICEAP NS staff members offer a personalized care and support for their students. Come and experience the ICEAP NS difference!
Cape Breton University campus
P.O.Box 5300, ICEAP NS-1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney,